Use "edict|edicts" in a sentence

1. What edict?

2. Summonses, decrees, edicts, warrants, patents of nobility.

3. Edicts were issued against engrossing the market.

4. They caballed against the emperor's edict.

5. Please emperor issued an edict

6. China solves it by an edict.

7. The edict was subject to many interpretations.

8. The festival was banned by royal edict.

9. Following the edict, the Taliban destroyed several more local schools.

10. The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners.

11. A number of European countries passed edicts encouraging the Huguenots to immigrate.

12. The Edict of Nantes—A Charter for Tolerance?

13. Where it could, it expropriated resources by simple edict.

14. His policy of persecution led to revoking the Edict of Nantes.

15. We accepted it without question as an edict from on high.

16. The emperor issued an edict forbidding anyone to leave the city.

17. A similar edict banished the Muslims ten years later.

18. Most shops are ignoring the government's edict against Sunday trading.

19. Therefore King Darius signed the writing , that is, the edict.

20. An official or authoritarian declaration a proclamation or an edict.

21. In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism.

22. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes was signed here in 16

23. Conclusion: PrDlonged treatment time adversely edict outcome of radiotherapy for NSCLC.

24. Her pronouncements were delivered with the formality of a Vatican edict.

25. 11 The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners.

26. So the recommendations are a helpful guideline, not a biblical edict.

27. It was out of these edicts that the modern-day notion of tolerance gradually evolved.

28. Is this not the edict from the king, signed with your own seal?

29. One of their edicts was a rule that all men must shave the hair of their pubis.

30. He issued an edict that none of his writings be destroyed.

31. 14 The emperor issued an edict forbidding anyone to leave the city.

32. The Assize of Clarendon 1166); (b) the edicts or enactments made at such sessions; (c) the forms of action or procedures instituted by such edicts and available as writs to would-be litigants in the royal court (e.g

33. 5:9, NW, margin) Such divine edicts leave absolutely no room for a dedicated person to compromise.

34. All we want is a calm debate based on impartial considerations, without arbitrary edicts and without anathema.

35. APGBI scoring systems can accurately pr edict operative mortality in patients undergoing colorectal cancer resection.

36. 3 The play attacks the corruption and depravity of the nobility as well as unjust laws and edicts.

37. Rock-edicts that have challenged time stand huge and over-powering by the banks of the Daya River.

38. These victories over the Protestants emboldened Ferdinand II to issue the Edict of Restitution in 1629.

39. She wept for her people and asked the king to revoke the terrible edict

40. The song bryd one Brere was written on a papal bull, an edict of the pope

41. A Cavalier pledged to an order or ideal must uphold its edicts and is beholden to any anathema it has;

42. The king had by a royal edict Cumbered the queen-regent with a council and other restrictions, and it was necessary to get the parlement of Paris to overrule the edict and make …

43. The curule Aediles, who were the magistrates responsible for the care and supervision of the markets, also issued edicts

44. Louis XIV also revoked the Edict of Nantes, forcing thousands of Huguenots into exile.

45. Critics are calling the edict “bizarre,” “unethical,” “Anticompetitive” and antithetical to the whole broker model

46. With the issuing of this edict in 1639, the seclusion of Japan became a reality.

47. Constantine’s highly advertised edicts in favor of the so-called Christians offer absolutely no proof that the man had been converted.

48. The edict says that it is desirable that there be impartiality in judicial proceedings and punishments .

49. And edict is retroactive, covering 131 companies that have listed on mainland stock markets since 200

50. Thus the ius honorarium, developed by the praetor's edict, played a vital part in the development of Roman Law.

51. Although many private groups would lose their funding, governments would not be bound by his edict.

52. Ten years later, naturally, another edict appeared, reminding of the necessity to do something with illegal migrants ...

53. The local County Manager, Michael O'Malley, issued an edict to planning officials not to attend public rallies.

54. A further edict of Aug. 18 raised the monthly minimum wage from 000,000 intis to 000,000 intis.

55. In other cases, women were beaten for failing to wear the precise type of abaya - a bulky head-to-toe garment - prescribed by local edicts.

56. I was afraid going to school because the Taliban had issued an edict banning all girls from attending schools.

57. In January 1562, Catherine issued the tolerant Edict of Saint-Germain in a further attempt to build bridges with the Protestants.

58. Thus the ius honorarium, developed by the praetor's edict,[] played a vital part in the development of Roman Law.

59. His Libri ad Edictum embraced a commentary, not only on the edicts of the urban and peregrine praetors, but also on that of the curule aediles.

60. 9 By the Edict of Milan, promulgated in 3 he forbade persecution of all forms of monotheism in the Empire.

61. Evidence for one such registration is provided by an edict of the Roman governor of Egypt in 104 C.E.

62. By the Edict of Milan, promulgated in 3 he forbade persecution of all forms of monotheism in the Empire.

63. When Basiliscus received news of this danger, he hastened to recall his ecclesiastical edicts and to conciliate the Patriarch and the people, but it was too late.

64. What does Bannimus mean? A form of expulsion of any individual from the University of Oxford, by putting the proctorial edict up in some public p

65. Diabolic Edict is one of the most powerful spells for destroying buildings. Eliminate the creeps first so that you only have one target.

66. The Bamiyan Buddhas of Afghanistan and the edicts of Aśoka suggest that the Buddhist monks spread Buddhism (Dharma) in eastern provinces of the Seleucid Empire, and possibly even farther into West Asia.

67. This kind of assistance Contravenes a fatwa (religious edict) and puts those who do so into the category of mohareb, with the concomitant penalties

68. Not all of Diocletian's plans were successful: the Edict on Maximum Prices (301), his attempt to curb inflation via price controls, was counterproductive and quickly ignored.

69. A horn of plenty that’s half-metropolis, half-amusement park, where excess is an edict, from bottomless booze bongs to endless buffets, it is our Crapulent capital of abundance

70. Act under Aedilian edict for if defect appeared which had not been declared buyer could sue within 12 months and claim the difference between the price paid and actual value

71. The Allahabad pillar is a Stambha, containing one of the Pillars edicts of Ashoka, possibly erected by Ashoka, Emperor of the Maurya dynasty, who reigned in the 3rd century BCE or it may have prior origins

72. The Arpent that was a unit of land area was equal to one hundred square perches, and was so defined by royal edicts of October 1557 and March 1566 (but they also defined the perche as …

73. This edict took 500 abbeys, two Archbishoprics, and two bishoprics that had been "secularized" since 1552 by Germany princes and returned them back to the Catholic Church

74. As Finance Minister in 1871, Ōkubo enacted a Land Tax Reform, the Haitōrei Edict, which prohibited samurai from wearing swords in public, and ended official discrimination against the outcasts.

75. Aise -2020 respects the edicts of all the countries regarding the ongoing pandemic COVID 2019 and thus has decided to reschedule the conference dates to January 18 th-20 th, 2021 instead of November 27 th-29 th, 2020.

76. Round the eye, full face and neck and the full body thin wrinkle and wrinkle and edict wrinkle and double chin"turkey neck" , "butterfly sleeve"abdomen and thigh skin laxity etc.

77. Historically, Bannimus was the form of expulsion of any individual from the University of Oxford, by putting the proctorial edict up in some public place, as a denunciation or promulgation of it

78. They secretly obtained an imperial edict calling for the use of force against Yoshinobu (later shown to be a forgery) and moved a massive number of Satsuma and Chōshū troops into Kyoto.

79. Bannimus (uncountable) A form of expulsion of any individual from the University of Oxford, by putting the proctorial edict up in some public place, as a denunciation or promulgation of it

80. Bannimus (uncountable) A form of expulsion of any individual from the University of Oxford, by putting the proctorial edict up in some public place, as a denunciation or promulgation of it